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Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Announcements & FAQs' started by Tonka Boater, Jul 24, 2017.

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  1. Tonka Boater

    Tonka Boater Site Owner Staff Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Wayzata, MN
    1997 Cobalt 232
    502 MAG / Bravo I
    2016 Yukon Denali
    Club Cobalt is online community for all boaters of all ages and these rules are in place to ensure our site is an enjoyable place to hang out and provides all of us with valuable information and resources for our Cobalts.

    #1: Have fun!

    #2: Keep it PG-13. There are a lot of places online to talk trash, swear and post NSFW pics. This is NOT one of those places. Watch your language, no off color jokes, no offensive pics. We have a 3-strikes policy when it comes to the jokes and pics. You will be banned on your 3rd strike. We'll warn about the language and delete your post if your words are too colorful.

    #3: No Bashing Dealers, Vendors, Manufacturers, etc. This is not a place to air your grievances with someone who has done you wrong. If you need advice on how to handle a situation, we're here to help you navigate those waters but one-sided posts that bash others will be deleted.

    #4: No posts about politics or religion. Nothing more to say on this. Go somewhere else for your fix on current affairs.
    Walt P and Rpwolf like this.
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